Washington - Today, Republicans blocked the U.S. Senate from working on Wall Street reform legislation, voting unanimously against even beginning debate on the bill. Senate Republicans required the motion to proceed to the reform bill to garner 60 votes, and with all 41 Republicans voting "No," it was defeated 57-41.

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a member of the Banking Committee who has helped to craft the reform bill, said after the vote that Democrats will fight special interests opposed to reform until it is law:

"Millions of families across New Jersey who have spent the past two years worried about their jobs, homes and savings don't just want Wall Street accountability now, they wanted it yesterday. The special interests are doing everything they can to kill Wall Street reform, but we will not stop fighting until there are new common sense rules that protect your money. It's time for our Republican colleagues to stop the back room strategy sessions with Wall Street and start getting down to the business of bringing accountability to Wall Street."
