The media have been preoccupied with the Confederate battle flag as a symbol of slavery that cannot be tolerated. Politicians of both parties jump on the bandwagon to stuff the offending piece of cloth down the memory hole.

Once again, image triumphs over substance: Elected officials pose as Great Emancipators for purging the Confederate battle flag from TV reruns, but turn their back as slavery thrives in the real world.

The Southeast Asian nation of Malaysia is notorious for its slave trade. It's estimated that Malaysia has 2 million illegal migrant workers. These workers are routinely kidnapped, held against their will and sold and used as slaves on plantations and in garment and electronics factories. Women are turned into sex slaves...

...Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who pushed the ban on slave states, calls manipulation of the report a "perversion" and an "incredibly dangerous proposition as it relates to our ability to promote our efforts globally against human trafficking."

The shenanigans began in June, when the State Department was expected to release its report. But that didn't happen while Congress debated fast-track. It's revealing that an interim report delivered to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in March did not include Malaysia on the list of countries that had improved.

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